Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.”
–Peter Levine

1467830654Loss of safety and loss of control…

You’re all too familiar with it.

Your gut tells you that the world is unsafe.

Seemingly small things – a sound, a smell, an image – send you right back to when your wounds were fresh.

The effects of what happened have never really gone away.

Breathing becomes more difficult.

Your heart and mind race.

There’s that tense feeling in the pit of your stomach again.

Or, you dissociate altogether…

…because feeling all those things is just too much.

You’ve pushed the feelings down time and time again. After all, you have to function. You can’t just live your life constantly triggered, feeling out of sorts, and hiding at home as much as possible.

But when does it end? Doesn’t time heal all wounds?

1747304369You’ve probably told yourself…

It wasn’t that bad.

You probably want to believe you didn’t endure anything THAT terrible. After all, other people have had it worse.

I should’ve known better.

You want to blame others, but really, you blame yourself deep down. You should’ve done things differently, and then you never would’ve been in that situation, and you wouldn’t feel how you do now.

If only you could rewind.

We CAN rewind together.

I know those memories are scary. They feel unbearable to revisit. The shame is all-encompassing.

But we can revisit those memories together, compassionately – at your pace and with your permission. Always!

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an evidence-based therapeutic modality that helps you reprocess past events so that they no longer have such a firm grasp on you.

We’ll pinpoint specific memories and address the negative thoughts, feelings, and sensations you’ve attached to them, getting to the root of where it all started.

Using “bilateral stimulation” (or left-to-right movement), we will desensitize and reprocess those memories, address how they still affect you in the present, and plan for the future you want.

You’ll learn practical strategies in the process, helping you feel more present, engaged, and grounded.

Time alone doesn’t heal all wounds.

But having the right tools can make a big difference.

Healing from trauma IS possible!

Call or text me now, and let’s start healing: (316) 712-1603.