In-Person Therapy

1438440143You’re tired of feeling alone in your mental health journey.

Googling all your symptoms, reading all the self-help books, and even opening up to a few people.

Yet, life keeps throwing you curveballs, and you can’t seem to get ahead of them.

One minute you’re thinking, “How am I going to figure this out? I’m at my limit,” followed by “I’m fine. This is fine. Everything is fine.”

But everything is not fine!

Shoving everything down so you can “function” doesn’t have to be your reality.

1195426321Therapy is a phenomenal evidence-based tool to help you through this.

My office is where you can be seen, heard, and radically accepted. Face-to-face, we’ll work to help you feel more equipped to take on all the circumstances life presents.

We won’t just vent and chit-chat. We’ll get down to the real stuff.

Using the tools of EMDR and parts work, we’ll identify and explore your thoughts and feelings, as well as reprocess distressing memories that still have their grasp on you.

Often, healing is a journey to the past.

You’ve always heard that your past doesn’t define you, yet sometimes revisiting it to resolve certain experiences is necessary.

I’ll sit with you through those painful parts. I won’t judge you. You won’t be alone.

You’ll develop tools to take on everyday life to actively participate in the meaningful, abundant life you want.

Don’t let those old wounds dictate your life any longer.

Take that first step by giving me a call: (316) 712-1603.